When a student pilot first encounters all the calculations required to fly, it can be overwhelming. With altitude conversions, angles of descent, bank angles, temperature differences, and more, anyone who had any trouble with math in school may wonder if it’s possible for them to get their mind around all
…Blog Posts
Talking on an aviation radio and understanding air traffic control (ATC) instructions can be one of the most intimidating aspects of flight training. First-timers may find that mic fright is real. In Say Again, Please, Bob Gardner encourages pilots to remember that they are a part
…When preparing for an FAA Knowledge Exam, studying the correct information is key. ASA Test Preps and Prepware include the necessary study information, in addition to representative FAA knowledge test questions that allow you to simulate the experience of taking the test. Today, we’re going to talk about clouds and
…As a pilot or student pilot, you may see airport markings as simple or obvious, but to someone who has had less experience on the tarmac, they can seem quite complicated. One of ASA’s premier books for students, passengers, and future pilots, An Illustrated Guide to
…ASA is proud to present a new author feature on our website: ASA Presents. We’ve lined up talks with our authors that are educational and fun, plus you can earn credit with the FAA WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program.
The first in ASA’s
…At AirVenture and looking for a place to have fun and learn about piloting? Look no further than the ASA booth in Hanger B, Aisle D. As usual, plenty of books and pilot supplies will be available for you to pick up. Show specials on our
…Thinking of becoming a pilot? Now is the perfect time. The aviation industry is in the headlines. Pilots are in demand. The airlines are recovering from the pandemic and more pilots are needed than are available to fly. Flight training will lead you to a career that is essential and
…ASA is dedicated to being the best learning platform for student pilots, and the ASA Library is just one of the ways we are serving this goal. Our new eBook reading platform for desktop and mobile devices, the ASA Library seamlessly connects with …