Pilots are one of the most weather-informed groups in the world. They must be, because a change in wind direction or a developing storm can make a mess of all their other careful planning. The aviation industry has recognized this, and they make many resources available for pilots, from continual
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On your road to becoming a certified pilot you’ll reach several milestones. Taking classes with an instructor and spending time in the pilot’s seat make up just part of the path. You also must pass both the written FAA Knowledge Test and a FAA …
This week the ASA team is off to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, to attend EAA AirVenture 2024. If you are planning to attend, you can choose to visit us at either our indoor or outdoor location.
For decades, Hangar B, Aisle D has been the place to find
…Did you know that loss of control (LOC) is the number one root cause of fatalities in both general aviation (GA) and commercial aviation? More than 25% of GA fatal accidents occur during the maneuvering phase of flight. Of those fatal accidents, half involve stall/spin scenarios resulting in a crash.
…The pitot-static system is responsible for the operation of three of the six primary flight instruments, otherwise known as the “six pack.” The three pitot-static instruments include the pressure altimeter, vertical speed indicator, and airspeed indicator (see Figure 1). Understanding how each of these instruments operate is critical to flight
…Before a flight, pilots must do all they can to prepare for or avoid factors that are out of their control, such as weather. One of the many weather charts that are available are the significant weather (SIGWX) forecast charts. SIGWX charts offer meteorological data that can be vital when
…The fourth week in April is an important one for drone enthusiasts. First, April 22–25, AUVSI (Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International) co-hosts the Xponential conference and exhibition. Global leaders and end users in the uncrewed systems and robotics industry will gather