Out here in the Pacific Northwest, there’s a saying: if you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes. Whether or not your weather changes as fast as ours does, knowing what to expect is still critical to flight safety. Radar helps us track weather nearly in real-time and make visual
…Blog Posts
Fog, just like clouds, is formed when invisible water vapor in the atmosphere condenses in the air into visible water droplets. You can best think of fog as simply a cloud that reaches the ground. As a pilot you are bound to encounter fog at some point, probably sooner than
…Today we’re pleased to feature a guest post from CFI and DPE Jason Blair. Check out his previous contributions to the LTFB here. He writes his own blog at JasonBlair.net. UPDATE: we’ve since posted a follow-up companion blog post on physical preparation. Click
…That little green book I’m sure you’ve seen lying around the FBO or on the briefing room table in the flight school actually packs a punch. As you learned in Monday’s post, it contains a wealth of crucial information that every pilot requires for pre-flight planning purposes. Just
…Last week, we released the 12th edition of one of our keystone textbooks: The Complete Private Pilot. This week we’ll be covering procedures, and today we’ll introduce the Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD). Here’s what Bob Gardner has to say about it in the latest edition of …
It’s the first “Test Roll” of 2016, a process where the FAA implements changes to the FAA Knowledge Exam and announces what’s new and upcoming in airman testing. ASA will incorporate this information in updates to our publications.
Some of the more beneficial items to note with February’s Test Roll
…Today we’re pleased to feature a guest post from CFI and DPE Jason Blair. Check out his previous contributions to the LTFB here. He writes his own blog at JasonBlair.net
Every practical test requires that an examiner see the applicant perform all the required maneuvers within
…Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), or what the FAA is calling the future of air traffic control, is an enhanced aircraft management and tracking technology. This technology is currently available in various locations over the U.S. and will be required in all aircraft by 2020. In short ADS-B uses data from the