Communication between pilots and air traffic controllers is crucial to the safe efficient flow of air traffic in the national airspace system. The Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) points out that the single most important thing in pilot-controller communication is understanding. It is important when speaking on the radios to not
…Blog Posts
It can take some time to get the hang of radio communications as a new pilot. However, according to Bob Gardner in his book The Complete Private Pilot, familiarization is key to developing a knack for radio procedures early on.
You will learn a lot just
…For today’s post, we have adapted information from the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge to introduce the subject of aircraft performance. Matters of aircraft performance will always be subject to the guidelines of your specific aircraft outlined in the performance or operational information section of the
…KMYF 031742Z 14003KT 1 1/2SM -RA BR BKN008 OVC012 18/17 A3001 RMK AO2 RAB36 CIG 004V011 P0000 T01780167. Wait, don’t email us yet! I know what you must be thinking, massive typo in today’s blog post. But don’t fret, our editors are not on vacation, this is just an Aviation
…Weather information can be divided into two categories: observations, and forecasts. An observation is a snapshot of weather conditions at a stated time; its utility degrades over time. Some observations can be as much as an hour old when you first see them. If your planned trip is four to
…This week, take a look at our easy to follow E6-B video tutorials on our YouTube channel:
Check out ASA’s YouTube channel for more tutorials and training videos. Like us on …
If you take a look in the Private Pilot Practical Test Standards you will note a section called “Special Emphasis Areas.” The section lists several areas in relation to aircraft operations that are considered critical to flight safety. It will be the examiners job during a