Cruise flight centers on two basic principles: how far we can fly, and for how long. How far we can fly is defined as the aircraft’s range. How long we can fly is defined as endurance. Today’s post is an excerpt from our textbook Aerodynamics for
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Aeronautical decision making (ADM) is a systematic approach to the mental process used by aircraft pilots to consistently determine the best course of action in response to a given set of circumstances. ADM is vital process allowing pilots to safely and efficiently manage risk. Although there is no way to
…Have you ever thought about taking you’re flying career to the next level and becoming a Certified Flight Instructor? Well, today we are going to take a quick look at some of the characteristics and responsibilities that and aviation instructor must possess. Many students view an aviation instructor as an authority, so it is
…Normal cruise involves setting cruise power, holding cruise altitude, and accepting the airspeed that is achieved, which should be close to the figure published in your Pilot’s Operating Handbook. On occasions, however, there is a need to fly at other than normal cruise airspeed. Today, we’ll discuss the basics of
…Today we are going to take a look at wake turbulence, which is the disturbed air left behind an airplane. Why you may ask is this important to us? This disturbed air left behind an aircraft can form tornado like vortices that are dangerous to all aircraft, particularly smaller general
…Today we are going to take a look at your most common type of weather report, the Aviation Routine Weather Report, abbreviated as METAR. A METAR is an observation of current surface weather reported in a standard international format. The purpose is to provide pilots with an accurate depiction of
…Today, we’ll take a look at NOTAM’s with an excerpt from Bob Gardner’s textbook The Complete Private Pilot. For all of the regulations pertaining to aviation, check out our annual FAR/AIM series.
Information that might affect the safety of a flight, such
…In the latest Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement for Instrument Rating (CT-8080-3F), the FAA has added several Graphical Forecast for Aviation (GFA) figures. These figures are 260 through 271 in the supplement and although the FAA has not yet added questions to the Instrument knowledge test on GFA, this