With all the talk this week on instrument flying and scanning techniques I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you to get your head out of the cockpit. See and Avoid! Did you know that the See and Avoid concept is an actual regulation outlined in CFR 91.113? Don’t
…Category: Regulations
View All CategoriesI did the majority of my flight training in San Diego, CA. Yes, lucky me. Not only did I get to fly in such a beautiful area but I always had a killer tan. After my first week of ground school, my instructor had me get my first over-the-phone weather
…Today we have more regulations that every pilot needs to know. Bob Gardner provides an excellent list of summarized federal regulations for student pilots in his textbook The Complete Private Pilot. If you’re looking for the compendium of aviation regulations, check out our annually-relased FAR/AIM.
…Back in January, the FAA announced changes to the Student Pilot Application Requirements (SPAR), effective April 1st, 2016. Well that time has fast approached and these changes will go into effect tomorrow Friday April 1st, 2016, and this is no April fool’s joke. I have previously written a CFI Brief
…Federal Aviation Regulations Part 61 stipulates that no person may act as pilot-in-command (PIC) of a civil aircraft under IFR or in weather conditions less than the minimums prescribed for visual flight rules (VFR) unless the pilot holds an instrument rating. The rating must be for the category of aircraft
…On Tuesday January 12th, 2016, the FAA issued a final rule changing the process in which a student pilot must obtain a student pilot certificate. Beginning April 1st, 2016, Aviation Medical Examiners (AMEs) will no longer have the ability to issue student applicants a student pilot certificate. Now, rather than
…Today’s post is short and sweet but a very important detail in your private pilot training nonetheless! 14 CFR 61.109 Aeronautical Experience lists the required minimum experience needed to apply for a private pilot certificate. §61.109(a)(3) states the required instrument flying time:
3 hours of flight training
…One regulation you need to be aware of as a new pilot is 14 CFR §61.57, “Recent Flight Experience – Pilot in command”. Here’s how Bob Gardner summarizes this regulation in The Complete Private Pilot:
14 CFR 61.57 Recent flight experience: Pilot-in-command. You may not carry passengers