For the past several years, the FAA has been working on an update for the Airman Certification Standards (ACS) and Practical Test Standards (PTS). Monday, using a process called incorporation by reference (IBR), Parts …
Author: Jenn Moore
If you’re a remote pilot, you should know that March 16, 2024, is an important date regarding the enforcement of Remote ID for drones. The FAA has been working to safely and securely integrate UAS (uncrewed aircraft systems) into the national airspace system. This has included a move toward drones
…Some of the most important jargon you’ll learn as a pilot has to be how to read a METAR. These “aviation routine weather reports” provide pilots with an accurate depiction of current weather conditions at an airport. METARs are issued on a regularly scheduled basis, usually close to the top
…The past few weeks have seen extraordinary weather events in all parts of the United States. Unusually cold temperatures have brought everything from ice storms to blizzards, even in places that don’t usually expect white winters. Pilots must keep the weather in mind when preparing for any flight. You can
…If you hang out around aviation enthusiasts, you may have heard the term mosaic a whole lot more often in recent months. What is this term and how does it apply to you? No bits of ceramic are used to make art in this type of MOSAIC. It stands for
…Want to be sure your flightpath is clear on Christmas Eve? Don’t worry, NORAD has you covered. Early in the morning on December 24th, NORAD (the North American Aerospace Defense Command) records the launch of a very special aircraft. After coordinating with “Santa’s Elf Launch Staff” to confirm his launch
…Wondering what to get the student pilot, private pilot, remote pilot, or aircraft mechanic on your list? Look no further than ASA’s 2023 Gift Guide, your key to finding a gift that’s on every aviator’s wish list. On the hunt for something under $20 or some smashing ASA
…Because of questions raised about the supply of airline pilots and aircraft mechanics meeting upcoming demand, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 included a provision to study the aviation and aerospace workforce of the future, including the current and future supply of people in the workforce. In May of 2023,