This week the ASA team is off to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, to attend EAA AirVenture 2024. If you are planning to attend, you can choose to visit us at either our indoor or outdoor location.
For decades, Hangar B, Aisle D has been the place to find the ASA crew and a 400 square foot display of new and updated ASA books, products, and pilot supplies. Come check out some of our newest products and experience them first hand.
You will also find us in Aviation Gateway Park along with the National Intercollegiate Flying Association, and many college aviation programs exhibiting their aircraft and what they have to offer.

On Wednesday, July 24th, you can learn about AOA Indicators and fly a simulated scenario using one at An Introduction to AOA Indicator Systems. Join ASA along with several industry stakeholders and register here for this FREE flight simulation workshop.
If you find yourself stuck at home, visit AirVenture Live to catch a livestream of an airshow, watch arrivals, or listen in to the ATC at the busiest control tower in the world (at least that week).
If you’re on site, be sure to check out the complete line of ASA products at our booth in Hangar B, Aisle D, or join us outside Monday through Friday at 11a.m. in Aviation Gateway Park for games and prizes! We hope to see you there!
Feature image aerial view photo via Wikimedia Commons (JJN1991, CC BY-SA 4.0