The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has recently released a new training aid, Ice Induced Stall Pilot Training. This 30-minute video covers the phenomenon of tailplane and wing stall icing conditions as well as icing certification rules and recommended cockpit procedures to mitigate ice induced stalls. As a
…Author: ASA
[Update: In December 2022, the FAA published the Aviation Weather Handbook (FAA-H-8083-28) which replaced Advisory Circulars 00-6, 00-45 and 00-54.]
Adverse wind is a category of hazardous weather that is responsible for many weather-related accidents. Adverse winds include: crosswinds, gusts, tailwind, variable wind, and a
…ASA will be closed for the holiday on Thursday and Friday. The Learn to Fly Blog will be back with a new post on Monday.
Today’s post is excerpted from the brand-new edition of the Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3) available now in print and ebook from ASA.
The round out is a slow, smooth transition from a normal approach attitude to a landing attitude, gradually rounding out the flightpath to one that
…The magnetic compass is the most basic of all instruments you will find installed in your aircraft and is required under both Visual and Instrument Flight Rules (VFR and IFR). The function and purpose of a magnetic compass installed in an aircraft is no different then one you might use
…Today’s post on flight instruments is an excerpt from the new fourth edition of The Pilot’s Manual: Ground School (PM-2).
The magnetic compass is the primary indicator of direction in most airplanes. It is, however, difficult to read in turbulence and subject to acceleration and turning errors,
…We are well into fall and winter seems to be fast approaching, I am ever reminded by all the holiday décor already up around town. For the majority of us, baring you lucky few down south, we will notice drops in temperature and for many areas across the United States
…Takeoff and landing are perhaps two of the most labor intensive tasks involved in piloting an airplane, and they start long before the wheels leave the ground.
Takeoffs involve much more than smooth piloting skills; they involve careful planning and preparation. A very smooth takeoff is of little value if